George Whitefield, a powerful Christian preacher and evangelist during the Great Awakening, placed great importance on the distribution of gospel tracts. He said:
"We must use the printing press for the glory of God. Gospel tracts are a good means to awaken sinners, and to confirm and establish those who are seeking the Lord."
He believed that the written word had the power to spread the gospel message beyond the walls of the church and reach people who might not otherwise have access to it. He often printed and distributed tracts himself, urging his followers to do the same.
In a sermon he preached in 1739, Whitefield said:
"I love those souls that are of a public spirit. I love those who publish abroad the gospel by sermon or tract. The latter are, I think, too much neglected. Why should we not scatter them everywhere? They are like the leaves of the tree of life, for the healing of the nations.
"George Whitefield, a powerful Christian preacher and evangelist during the Great Awakening, placed great importance on the distribution of gospel tracts. He said:
"We must use the printing press for the glory of God. Gospel tracts are a good means to awaken sinners, and to confirm and establish those who are seeking the Lord."
He believed that the written word had the power to spread the gospel message beyond the walls of the church and reach people who might not otherwise have access to it. He often printed and distributed tracts himself, urging his followers to do the same.
In a sermon he preached in 1739, Whitefield said:
"I love those souls that are of a public spirit. I love those who publish abroad the gospel by sermon or tract. The latter are, I think, too much neglected. Why should we not scatter them everywhere? They are like the leaves of the tree of life, for the healing of the nations."
God does nothing but in answer to prayer, and even they who have been converted to God without hearing of a Bible, were converted by the instrumentality of a tract."
John Wesley
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When German inventor, Johannes Gutenberg perfected the printing press around 1450, it not only opened the flood gates for Bibles, but also gospel tracts. Most great champions of the gospel considered tracts to be vital to their ministry.
Winning the Lost
Yes, tracts are enormously helpful in evangelizing! ✝️