ON MARCH 13, the Moon will pass into Earth’s shadow, causing the lunar disc to appear blood red above the US.
While most Americans will view the total lunar eclipse, or “blood moon,” as simply an awesome natural spectacle, there are at least 11 reasons to consider it a biblical sign.
The first chapter of Genesis states that the moon was created for “signs” (Gen. 1:14). Moreover, a darkened or blood moon is one of the most frequently mentioned signs of Jesus’ coming (Rev. 6:12; Joel 2:31; 3:14, 15; Isa. 13:9–10; Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25–27; Acts 2:20, 21; Ezek. 32:8).
The March 13 blood moon occurs in a calculated Jubilee, the year of “liberty” that foreshadows the Rapture.
One reason 2025 is believed to be a Jubilee is that it marks 70 jubilee periods since the Jews entered the Promised Land and began counting the cycle: 1406 BC + 70 Jubilees (3,430 years) = 2025.
The 70th Jubilee is pivotal because 70 denotes liberation, as in the Jubilee, and the culmination of God’s redemptive plan (Jer. 29:10: Dan. 9:24).
The March 13 blood moon occurs above the US, a nation with profound ties to Israel.
America is:
• The land discovered by an Italian Jew, Columbus.
• Home to about half the world’s Jews.
• A type of ‘Egypt’ or ‘Babylon’ (temporary homes to the Jews).
• Israel’s chief supporter and ally.
Moreover, America’s statutes, mottos, and symbols evoke the Jubilee, or year of liberty:
• The US was founded on the Jubilee principle of liberty.
• America’s iconic symbols are the Statue of Liberty and Liberty Bell.
• The one-word motto stamped on US coins is ‘Liberty.’
• The US is comprised of 50 states, the number of Jubilee.
• The word America has a gematria value of 50 and a reverse gematria value of 49, the numbers of Jubilee.
• The name of America’s current President, Donald, has a gematria value of 50.
• America’s most celebrated solar eclipse, the Nisan eclipse of 2024, had a distinct Jubilee theme.
Finally, since a blood moon denotes judgment, it is significant that the March lunar eclipse occurs five Jubilee periods after America’s founding. That the Jubilee nation has existed for five Jubilees is significant because the number 5 denotes a period of grace or divine favor. While God has certainly “shed His grace” on the US, the blood moon may be a sign that the grace period is ending.
The March 13 blood moon occurs during the Jewish festival Purim, which celebrates the Jews’ deliverance from annihilation in ancient Persia. The Book of Esther records that when the Persian king’s advisor, Haman, plotted to execute all the Jews, his evil scheme was exposed and he himself was executed. Instead of being victims, the Jews became victors (Esth. 8, 9).
The theme of Jewish victory over an enemy corresponds to the rabbinic teaching that lunar eclipses are a bad omen for the enemies of Israel (Sukkah 29a). The main enemy of the Jews today is of course Iran, historically known as Persia.
The Purim blood moon occurs two weeks prior to the anniversary of the American solar eclipse on the previous Nisan 1. The American solar and lunar eclipses occurring within the span of a biblical year, and on significant biblical dates—a pattern not to be repeated this century—echo the most frequently mentioned sign of Jesus’ coming: “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes” (Joel 2:31).
On the West Coast, home to America’s second largest Jewish population, the eclipse begins at 9:00 pm and peaks at midnight.
On the East Coast, home to America’s largest Jewish population, the eclipse begins at midnight and peaks at 3:00 am.
The West and East peak times—midnight and 3:00 am—are significant because Jesus says He may come in “the second or third watch,” which end, correspondingly, at midnight and 3:00 am (Luke 12:38).
Furthermore, the midpoint of the two watches, midnight, is when the bridegroom shows up in the Parable of the Virgins: “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’” (Matt. 25:6).
The March 13 blood moon occurs as President Trump, who has said he wants his legacy to be that of a “peacemaker and unifier,” is moving quickly to end two major wars and usher in a “new era of peace” in the Middle East.
Trump’s goal of rapidly advancing peace is significant, because the sign given to the Church to know that the “last trump” is about to sound is people saying “peace and security” (1 Cor. 15:52; 1 Thess. 4:13–18; 5:1–3).
The March 13 lunar eclipse belongs to Saros cycle 123. This is significant because 123 is the number of Jubilees from biblical Creation in 4004 BC, to the current year 2025.
Adding to the coincidence, the March blood moon is number 53 of the Saros cycle. Counting backward 53 jubilees from 2025, we arrive at 574–73 BC, the year of “Ezekiel’s Jubilee,” when the prophet saw a vision of the ultimate Temple, representative of the Church, in the “twenty-fifth year” (Ezek. 40).
What’s more, recalling that ‘70’ denotes liberation and the culmination of God’s redemptive plan, it is significant that both Jubilees—573 BC and 2025—are a 70th:
• Ezekiel’s Temple vision in 573 BC marks the 70th Jubilee since Creation in 4004–03 BC.
• 2025 marks the 70th Jubilee since the Jews entered the Land in 1406 BC.
Thus, the blood moon and Saros cycle numbers, 53 and 123, point to two Jubilees—one marking Ezekiel’s vision of the completed Church, and the other marking, potentially, the Church’s actual completion.
The total phase of the March 13 eclipse, when the moon is completely blood red, lasts 66 minutes. The overall duration of the eclipse, from penumbral to penumbral, is 6 hours. This is significant because 6 is the number of man and denotes the end of the age (Barnabas 15:3–5).
Additionally, the times add up to “666,” the number of the beast who persecutes Israel (Rev. 13:18).
The constellations, or star pictures, convey God’s plan of redemption (Ps. 19).
According to Stellarium, the maximum blood-moon phase occurs as the Moon is passing from Leo into Virgo. This is significant because, Leo, the lion, is the final sign of the Zodiac and pictures Jesus, the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah,” coming to judge (Rev. 5:5). Virgo, the virgin, or bride, is the first sign of the Zodiac and signifies a birth, followed by Tribulation (Rev. 12).
Thus, the blood moon’s passing from Leo to Virgo signifies the transition from the Church Age to the Tribulation period.
On the eve of the March 13 blood moon, God’s heavenly ‘pointer,’ the Sun, enters the constellation Pisces, the fishes who represent the Jewish and Gentile aspects of the Church.
Also present in the Church sign are Venus, the “Bright Morning Star,” which represents Jesus, and Mercury, the “messenger” planet.
The most significative objects in Pisces at this time, however, are two asteroids: Near the fish that symbolizes the Jewish aspect of the Church is an asteroid named “916 America.” Next to asteroid America is asteroid “7507 Israel.”
While the numbers assigned to asteroids “America” and “Israel”—916 and 7507—have no obvious biblical connotation, it is noteworthy that Strong’s #916 Greek, bareó, means to be spiritually “burdened,” or “weighed down,” as “by the weight of sin or the pressures of religious legalism.” Strong’s #7507 Hebrew, rephidah, means “support” or “resting place.” In America, the resting place of about half the world’s Jews, many are spiritually weighed down, recalling Jesus’ warning about the impending Day of the Lord:
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap” (Luke 21:34).
The March 13 lunar eclipse should be considered a biblical sign because:
• It occurs in a calculated Jubilee year.
• It is visible above the Jubilee nation, which is home to many Jews.
• It occurs during the Jewish festival Purim.
• It occurs two weeks prior to the Nisan solar eclipse anniversary.
• It peaks at the end of second and third watch (midnight and 3:00 am).
• It occurs as President Trump is pursuing “peace and security” in the Middle East.
• It is the 53rd eclipse of Saros cycle 123, pointing to Ezekiel’s Jubilee and the current Jubilee, both of which are “70th” Jubilees.
• The duration is 6 hours and 66 minutes (overall and maximum).
• It occurs as the Moon is passing from Leo, the coming Lion, to Virgo, the birth and Tribulation sign.
• It occurs as asteroids “America” and “Israel” are in Pisces, the Church sign.
Scripture says the heavens “speak” to us (Ps. 19).
If we are hearing correctly, the March blood moon is a midnight cry to America and her Jews: “The bridegroom is coming!”
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1. The Jubilee is the year of “liberty” or “redemption” (Lev. 25) that foreshadows the Rapture:
• Paul speaks of the “liberty” and bodily “redemption” of the Church at Jesus’ coming (Rom. 8:19–23).
• Jesus tells the Church that when they see the signs of His coming, to look up because their “redemption” is near (Luke 21:28).
• Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of “redemption” (Eph. 4:30).
• The Gentile Ruth, representative of the Church, is “redeemed” by marriage, representative of the Rapture, by a Jewish Kinsman, representative of Jesus (Ruth 4).
2. In Leviticus 25, God instructs the Israelites to start counting Sabbatical and Jubilee years when they enter the Promised land. While biblical chronology involves a margin of error, most calculate the entry into the Land to have occurred in spring 1406 BC.
3. Another Jubilee calculation, based on the Sabbatical chronology associated with Ben Zion Wacholder, suggests that the Jubilee could end at Nisan 2025. https://tinyurl.com/342zf67b Again, calculations based on ancient dates and calendars involve a margin of error.
4. “Mystery Babylon,” by T.W. Tramm:
5. Gematria values: https://gematrinator.com/calculator
6. 2024 Eclipse and America’s Prophetic Destiny, by T.W. Tramm:
7. Canada, which will also see the blood moon in its totality, has the fourth largest Jewish population in the world, exceeded only by Israel, the US and France.
8. The next American solar and lunar eclipses comparable to the ones in 2024–25 take place in 2045 and 2048. However, these do not occur within the same biblical year or on significant biblical dates.
9. Los Angeles (West Coast) is the US city with the second largest Jewish population. The eclipse start/peak times in Los Angeles are 9:00 am/midnight.
10. New York (East Coast) is the US city with the largest Jewish population. The eclipse start/peak times in New York are midnight/3:00 am: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/new-york...
11. Saros cycle 123 (the Saros cycle refers to the roughly 18-year cycle when eclipses repeat): https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/LEsaros/LEsaros123.html
12. The average maximum phase of a total lunar eclipse lasts from 30 to 120 minutes.
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*Visit the author’s website: www.theseasonofreturn.com
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’ return (Matt. 24:36). However, a convergence of biblical signs and timelines suggests that it is near. To escape the judgment reserved for a God-rejecting world, one must know Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you have not yet done so, call on His name and believe that He is the Son of God who died for your sins and was raised from the dead, and you will be saved (Rom. 10:13).
How amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing this insight!