This is so good!
Shared from Craig Bennett.
The need of fresh oil (Matt 25.1-13)
The oil used for the lamps is the same oil used for the anointing..
the only place to get it is from Jesus.. He said come buy of me.. the oil is received through devotion to Him, it’s received through intimacy with Him, it’s found in the secret place, it comes when sought through prayer and searching the scriptures..
The bible warns that the door of heaven will be shut to those who have no oil.. those who don’t know Him, those who have not been with Him.. those who had no time to spend with Him, Those who did not seek the oil while it could be found, Those who were too busy for Him, Its to those to whom He will say I never knew you depart from me
If there is a need in this hour more than any other.. it’s the oil of intimacy upon your life.. He said buy of me.. yes that means there is a cost! It’s time with Him! How much are you willing to spend?
Oh minister there seems so much to do!.. yet the greatest need is this.. The Lord is calling His people to be with Him in the secret place.. it’s only there will you truly find what’s most needed.. fresh oil, fresh anointing, and fresh power! And It comes only by being with Him!