Firstly, the Rapture is the Promised Transformation of our Bodies in a moment, twinkling of an eye – changed – Paul told Philippians (3:21) changed from body humiliation to body of glory. Paul told the Corinthians (vv 51-53) that corruptible will become incorruptible & mortal to immortal.
Triumph over: Sin, and the flesh - death, disease - Satan, demons - hell and the grave. And, oh what Blessedness. This is the “blessed hope” of the redeemed (Titus 2:13).
Secondly, not only Christ’s special work, but he demonstrated the new resurrected body – visible with eyes (Luke 24:40) – touched with hands (Luke 24:39, John 20:27) – Eat honey and fish (Luke 24:41-43), and had flesh and bones (Luke 24:39).
Thirdly, Scripture speaks of the resurrection of bodies out of the graves. “The hour comes in which all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of man” (John 5:28- 29).
Fourthly, it is Incomprehensible – We can form no conception of the heavenly material. Only figurative language is possible.
[excerpt from