Lord, we come before You in the name of Jesus, with humble hearts, pleading for You to save our family members and loved ones! Just as Abraham stood before You to intercede for the life of his nephew Lot, we come interceding for our spouses, children, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews who are not yet covered by Your blood! Just as Abraham prayed with faith, knowing that You are a God of justice and compassion, we pray today, Lord, that You reach our loved ones with Your mercy. Please make the impossible POSSIBLE today! Turn their hearts to You, and deliver them from Your judgment. Lead them into Your arms, under Your grace, to a place of safety—just as You led Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah. PLEASE, LORD, if it comes to pass that You come for us and they are still here, remove their veil and open their minds and hearts to You during the tribulation! You know that during this terrible time they will be surrounded by chaos, earthquakes, famine, wars, the rise of the Antichrist, a false prophet, and leaders who will try to deceive them. But, Father, I pray that in the midst of these trials, You will break down every stronghold, every wall of resistance, every fear, and every lie that holds them back from knowing Your love! Help them understand that all these events were written 2,000 years ago to warn them of what is ahead and so they would believe IN YOU! As the world reels under the weight of Your righteous judgment, help them see that You are still a God of mercy, patiently waiting for those who will call on Your name. Grant them a clear understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and the promise of eternal life You freely offer to all who believe. May they recognize that You alone are the One who can save them, opening their hearts to receive the new life found in You! Lord, we pray that You put people in their path who can point them to You. Let Your Holy Spirit move powerfully in their hearts, giving them the strength and courage to surrender fully to Jesus. Surround them with Your peace and protect them as they search for You, even in the midst of chaos. May they find in You a refuge, a Savior, and a Friend. Let them remember everything we have told them, and may they turn to repentance! Help them take heed of what the two witnesses, the 144,000, and the three angels are urging them to do. Give them the courage and strength to refuse the mark of the beast! Overwhelm them supernaturally with Your love so that they won’t hesitate to lay down their lives for Your name! Lord, we now lift up Your Church. Give us the strength to keep preaching Your Word, especially to our family members who need to hear it! Give us Your creativity and Your ways to reach them before we can no longer do so! We pray for all of us who are tired and weary, longing for Your presence and for Your appearance to rescue us from this filthy, unbearable world that is no longer a place for us—and has never been our home. We belong to You, Jesus! Please strengthen our faith and help us keep our eyes fixed on You. Remind us that though we are weak, You are strong, and that Your power is made perfect in our weakness— and that only You are the author and finisher of our faith! n this season of anticipation and waiting, please reveal Your Word to us. Let it come alive within us and speak to our hearts. Help us grow closer to You, and use us to keep advancing Your Kingdom wherever we go! Please, Lord, refresh our spirits and souls. Give us wisdom and light our path in this dark, troubled world! May we stand firm until Your glorious day, trusting in all Your promises, especially in the promise of Your appearing and taking us home with You—our Blessed Hope! We cannot wait to see You face to face! Lord Jesus, PLEASE COME!!! In Your Name we pray, Amen