1 Corinthians 10:13 ~ No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
This is the crash site. This is where all pain, sorrow, rebellion, disaster, disease, war, murder, theft, terrorism, hatred, injustice, and death started.
As we sift through these verses and piece together the remains of the fall, we can see just what lies Satan told to tempt Adam and Eve. What’s amazing is that parts of these same four lies have been present in every temptation since then.
Materialism: pleasure & happiness in material things, not spiritual truth
Religion: there is not one road to God that is exclusive rather there are many that are inclusive
1. Doubt God’s Word v. 1a “Has God indeed said.” MATERIALISM
What Satan wants is for us to DOUBT GOD.
We doubt God when we doubt His Word.
Satan wants us to believe that God’s Word is just like any other book. It is nice and helpful, but not absolute. He wants us to question God's Word, avoid God's Word, neglect God's Word, or whatever else it takes to get us out of regular contact with the Lord.
This is a direct attack on the character of God. One of the great truths about our God is the moral attribute that we know God is Truth.
2. Doubt God’s Goodness v. 1b “‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” MATERIALISM
What Satan wants is for us to DOUBT GOD.
We doubt God when we doubt His Goodness.
Satan wants us to believe that God is trying to hold out on us, He is robbing us of some good times, He is out of touch with our needs, He missed that disaster we just went through, He messed up on how He made us, He means well but doesn’t quite have everything under control.
This is a direct attack on the character of God. One of the great truths about our God is the moral attribute that we know God is Good.
3. Doubt God’s Authority v. 4 “You will not surely die”. RELIGION
What Satan wants is for us to DOUBT GOD.
We doubt God when we doubt His Authority.
Satan wants us to believe that God is not in charge – we are in charge; God isn’t interested in our choices –we are in charge; God will not make us accountable for our deeds – we are in charge.
This is a direct attack on the character of God. One of the great truths about our God is the moral attribute that we know God is Sovereign.
4. Doubt God’s Plan v. 5 “Your eyes will be opened” RELIGION
What Satan wants is for us to DOUBT GOD.
We doubt God when we doubt His Plan.
Satan wants us to believe that there is a better way to immortality, an easier way to glory, and a quicker way to happiness. Again this is an attack upon the very Word of God. God's Word is sufficient. That is one of the characteristics God has given us about His Word.
Listening to God Speak
Satan’s ancient methods still work to bring forgetfulness of God, distance from His Word, and dreadful damage to our lives. How do we stay protected by God, and from Satan? The answer is always listening to God speak to us through His Word.
God is Faithful and has warned us of these avenues the Devil always uses to try and hack into our system and derail us from serving God.
Satan is seeking to devour us using his ancient playbook, which we will see as we study temptation in all the amazing details God's Word gives to us.
1 Cor. 10:13 where we see that the answer to our prayers is God Himself, the Faithful One, who is watching over us and seeking to come to our aid the instant we ask Him to.