PS: These signs are getting frequent and visible. The Rapture occurs before the Tribulation then the Second Coming.
Romans 13:11 ~ And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus came to earth, died on a cross, rose from the dead, and promised He would return again. The next time, He is coming back to judge the world. Here are the seven events
detailed that will take place before Jesus’ second coming according to the Bible. Including these signals, we test how close and advanced a 2nd coming of Christ could be.
Tip #1: Nation vs. Nation
Jesus warned His disciples about the signs of His return, saying, “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” (Matthew 24:7-8). This will be the “beginning of sorrows,” likened to birth pains. Some trace the origin of this process to the world wars in the last century.
Sign Two: The Persecution of Christians
Jesus made a very straightforward prediction that His followers would be arrested, persecuted, and killed, and they would be hated throughout the entire world (Matthew 24:9). Today, over 365 million Christians are experiencing high levels of persecution, particularly in Iran and North Korea. This aligns with what Jesus said would happen to believers before He returned.
Sign #3: False Prophets
Jesus also said that many would be deceived by false prophets (Matthew 24:11). In our day of over-exposure on social media, it’s easier for these false prophets to gain large followings and lead people away from the truth of God’s Word.
Indicator #4: Argument Over the Millennium
Historic Premillennialism: This view holds that Christ will come prior to His 1,000-year rule.
Amillennialism: The millennium is seen as a symbolic reference to the spiritual reign of Christ in the present age. This period began after Jesus’ death and ends with His return.
Millennialism: The millennium is a time of peace on earth that the church will spark by spreading the gospel worldwide. Then, Christ will return.
The Millennium: This happens after Jesus returns—1,000 years in the future on earth (Premillennialism).
Fifth Sign: The State of the World
Postmillennialists hold that the world will be improved as we approach the Second Coming of Christ, citing social advances. Premillennialists and Amillennialists argue that the world is getting worse (2 Timothy 3:13)—a claim that appears to be supported by contemporary events.
Sign #6: Satan’s Binding
The Bible hints that Satan would be bound before the millennium (Revelation 20:1-3). It can have multiple interpretations:
Sign #7: The Antichrist
According to the Bible, before Jesus comes again, there will be a world ruler who claims to be God (the man of sin or Antichrist) who will deceive the whole world (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). To some, this is a demon of falsehood; to Premillennialists, the Antichrist is that one man in whom it comes to full.