I appreciate your post. I wanted to chime in on this, I hope that’s okay. I was raised in a church that taught belief in the pre-trib rapture, but it never made sense to me how they explained it. I was always left confused. I really hoped it was true and I’ve spent a lot of time asking God to make sense of it for me and show me what is right according to scripture concerning eschatology. I toiled with trying to find concrete evidence of pre-trib in scripture but could not. I was desperate. However, everything I read pointed a post-trib/pre-wrath rapture. Once I came to accept the truth of it all, I had peace about it. The thing that clicked for me was that pre-trib teaches that the Seals are wrath and they are actually not. The seals are man’s tribulation against man. A lot of the trouble that’s going on during the Seals are similar to what we see happening in the world now. I’m not suggesting we are in the seals yet though. Anyway, It’s the Vials and Trumpets (simultaneously) that are God’s wrath. We won’t go through that. The pre-trib rapture also teaches a 7 year tribulation, but the Bible only tells about 3-1/2 years of great tribulation(God’s wrath) to those left behind. Daniel’s 70th week is an all encompassing 7 years of the events of the last days, starting with Seal 1 and ending with the battle of Armageddon and destruction of Babylon. The rapture happens at the 6th seal which is right past the 3-1/2 yr mark, not at the end of the 7 years like most pre-trib pastors teach (mine included). Rapture-(Rev 6:12-17, Matthew 24:29-31, Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28) Note: Rev 6 correlates with Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 which are all about the Seals. They’re all the same happenings. I encourage everyone reading this to pray and look into it further. It’s a great study when you really come to understand it. There’s so much more I would love to share so that it makes sense to everyone but I think it’s best I stop with what I shared already. I know the pre-trib rapture is a highly preferred belief amongst God’s people, but it’s simply not biblical. I tried adding a photo of a timeline I use, but it didn’t show up. If anyone can advise me on how to load it I will add it for clarity.

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No problem sis, I have learned that I share what God tells me to and I stick to it. We will see each other in heaven okay!

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Absolutely! Even so Lord Jesus, come🙏🏻

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Although I agree with you that we will miss the wrath, I tend to think we must use a different kind of matrix to attempt to grid our thinking of what is written to what actually will and is happening. And one thing for sure is one must agree we are currently in tribulation now at the onset stages but they are commensurate incremental and overlapping possibly ?...the white horse was released a rider, bow no arrows and a 👑 crown which is a corona...2020 started with a beginning of a process of covenants with the Abraham peace accords. Then the conquering of that crown...then the red horse of war released and since both horses continued their gallops. Now the black horse rides high. Just ask the eggs. So perhaps we are in by before the great tribulation. Well anyway my mantra to Look Up and Get Ready is based on the valuable lesson I learned in the Rangers. Always ready on call at anytime to depart to the predetermined destination.

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We are not in tribulation yet. The tribulation is the wrath of the Lamb, God’s judgment. Understanding of the Ancient Jewish Wedding will help us understand it better.

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